Namastee :3

Assalamualaikum. Hello awak semuaa. Im back. Still kenal I right? Rara the gorgeous girl. Cehh jk jk. Well, after a long silence from me, how do you do readers? Is everything going right? Yaaaa, Im fine. Cuma a little bit busy since a few months ago. Ok tu tipu. Ekceli, aku ada. Ada. Just yaa you know it. Malas. Yaa malas. Bila korang malas, apa yang diusahakan mesti tak jadi. And lagipun aku tade idea nak post pasal apa. Totally blank bila bukak blog T.T Sad lyf3. Macam sekarang ni. Tengah blank T.T Lol. Aku selalu jugak berblog walking and I found shoo many aweshome blog. I wish I had one yang aweshome punya :3 Epp! No no. I dont wish that. Nanti adaa yang jealous. Tenenenenenene~ I miss going back to school ekceli. I miss my friends. Miss my girls. But at the same time, aku malas gila dohh! Nak sekolah. Homeworks, exercise and all. But......... Next year..........Hmm :/ Next year, aku mesti kena usaha dohh sebab tahun depan......aku.....PMR! Apa? PMR senang? Ramai jugak orang cakap macam tu. But for me. Its not. It is really really my big day. PMR day. Ok grammar aku terabur habis lepas berapa lama tak sekolah. Im gonna improve that one! I promise. Its already 1147 pm. Its time to sheleep people. Till then. Goodnight. Assalamualaikum.

The girl,